Cleric Hideout
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Found in: All Overworld (Puzzles only works in Arg)
Cleric Hideout is a structure generated in dark forest biomes. This is the structure to obtain various potions. Also, it is surround by several zombie villager spawners.
Find it in dark forest biome.
The boss is in the house.
You have two choices, kill him or revive him.
If you want to kill him, then slash him to death with your sword.
If you want to revive him, a potion of weakness and a golden apple is in the loot box. Use them to revive him.
After you revive him, he will offer these trades:
7 emeralds and 1 melon slice for 1 potion of healing II (12 times)
20 emeralds and 3 melon slices for 3 potions of healing II (12 times)
7 emeralds and 1 spider eye for 1 splash potion of weakness (12 times)
16 emeralds for 1 golden apple (12 times)
64 emeralds for 1 cleric loot box (4 times)
You can break all the spawners if you don't want to convert it to a villager factory or xp farm later on.
You can revive him then zombify him to kill him for both advancements.
While waiting for Cleric Z to dezombify, you can climb up the ladder to wait there.
Potion of luck and hero of the village. Effective for 5 minutes.
How to obtain: Cleric loot box
Potion of speed and strength. Effective for 3 minutes.
How to obtain: Cleric loot box
Potion of instant health III
How to obtain: Cleric loot box
Splash potion of slowness IV and weakness. Effective for 5 minutes.
How to obtain: Cleric loot box
Potion of invisibility, night vision, and bad omen. Effective for 8 minutes.
How to obtain: Cleric loot box