The manual grind to earn money!
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The manual grind to earn money!
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To earn money from Jobs you have to preform specific actions from that Job or either level them up, on each level up you get in-game money plus the higher the level the more money you earn from that Jobs action. To check the exact values for each job in-game do /jobs info JobName
Brewer You get money from brewing a specific concoction you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Builder You get money from placing specific building blocks down you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Cooker You get money from cooking specific food you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Crafter You get money from crafting specific items you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Digger You get money from digging you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Enchanter You get money from enchanting specific items you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Engineer You get money from crafting and placing specific redstone items, you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Explorer You get money from discovering chunks that you haven't been in before the values differ and you also get money from crafting different boots you can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Farmer You get money from placing and breaking farm related blocks, such as bushes, leaves, wheat, carrots, potatoes, corals etc. You can see the exact values in the in-game menu.
Fisherman You get money from catching or killing fish check the exact values in the in-game menu.
Florist You get money by collecting flowers and also crafting stuff like honey combs, bone meal composters check the exact values in the in-game menu.
Hunter KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES.. More info on the exact values in the in-game menu.
Miner NEVA STOP MININNNNG ORES = $$$ ... More info on the exact values in the in-game menu. You do also loose money if you place ores it's abit of a higher value because it's there to counter how much money you get from mining them at level 100.
Smelter You get money for smelting ores more info on the exact values in the in-game menu.
Tamer You get money from taming animals more info on the exact values in the in-game menu.
Taster You get money from tasting different foods more info on the exact values in the in-game menu.
Trader You get money for trading with villagers each different item that can be traded has a different value please do check them in the in-game menu.
Weaponsmith You get money from doing different actions with the anvil, combining weapons fixing them etc. More info on the exact values in the in-game menu.
Woodcutter You get money from breaking and stripping longs more info on the exact values in the in-game menu.