๐ŸชตBasic Commands

Here you'll first learn of basic commands plus stuff that will help you along the way.


Here's a list of basic commands which will help you function normally in the server:

  • You can use /sethome to set home you can always teleport to

  • To get back to your home do /home

  • To message some privately do /msg PlayerName

  • To reply to someones message do /r

  • To ignore someone do /ignore

  • To disable tp requests do /tptoggle

  • To toggle pvp off and on do /pvp

  • To teleport to someone send them a request by doing /tpa

  • To accept a teleport request do /tpaccept or /tpayes

  • To open the server shop do /shop

  • To open the skills menu do /skills

  • To choose a job do /jobs

  • To check your balance to /bal

  • To send someone else money do /pay PlayerName

  • To support and donate to the server do /buy

That should be the basics move on and read about what server mechanics we have to offer

Last updated