🦎Stage IV

They grow up sooo fast!

You've made it to the top 6% of the current community!

Now that we have a full Ruby set from Stage III along side a good shield and good weapons it's time to either explore the depths of Durel mountains above 15k to find Jade or to form a Ruby equipped party and take on the third Progression Boss - Void Monarch.

Getting a high-grade upgrade: hunting for Jade

As explained above, Jade is one of Dragon Shield's hardest materials, and it can only be found in mountains after 15k coords from 0,0. The jade blocks can replace other vanilla blocks in the game, such as netherrack, ice, grass, stone, deepslate, blackstone, tuff, and packed ice.

Once you get enough Jade, you can craft your items as other custom items; using netherite sticks and molds from Enderite.

Last updated