How to claim? And how claiming works.
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How to claim? And how claiming works.
Last updated
To claim either grab the Golden Shovel /kit claimshovel and selecting two different corners or by doing /claim in game this system works on blocks not on chunks, it will also claim from -60 to 312 max height on the server.
You get claim blocks from either playtime 100 each 1h or /buyclaimblocks
To claim do /claim
If you're stuck in someone's claim do /trapped
To add a person to your claim do /trust PlayerName
To remove a player from your claim do /untrust PlayerName
To unclaim do /unclaim
To only give a player permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds do /accesstrust PlayerName
To only give a player permission to use your containers do /containertrust PlayerName
/AbandonAllClaims Deletes all your claims.
To delete only the claim you're standing in do /abandon
To see all trust people do /trustlist
To unlock your drops on death so other people can pick them up do /unlockdrops
To transfer a tamed animal do /GivePet
/RestrictSubclaim restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.
/ClaimsList lists a playerβs claims and claim block details.
/PermissionTrust grants a player permission to share his permission level with others
/SubdivideClaims switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims.
/BasicClaims puts your shovel back in basic claims mode.
To ban someone from your claim stand in it and do /bfc PlayerName
To unban someone from your claim stand in it and do /ubfc PlayerName
To ban everyone from your claim stand in it and do /bfcall
To see everyone who's banned in your claim do /bfclist
To kick someone from your claim do /kfc PlayerName