๐ฅผRuined Lab
The Ruined lab is a circle-shaped structure with a glass dome roof inhabited by buffed Wither skeletons, also called Withered Scientists. Those scientists seem to be holding some Piglins hostage to do experiments on them and try to develop new weapons against the Piglins. At the center of the structure, we can find the remains of what might be a Wither cage mixed and or a Basalt generator.
It is said that a weapon was finally developed inside the walls of this mischievous place, yet this is just a rumor to be confirmed.
Items to obtain
Gold ingots, iron ingots and diamonds.
Redstone based blocks.
Gold tools (rare).
Netherite Scrap or Ancient Debris (1 piece guaranteed, hidden in a barrel)
Piglin Slayer (100 % guaranteed, hidden in a barrel)
Biomes where you can find this structure
Withered Forest
Last updated