๐Ÿ’ธHow to earn in-game money?

This page provides a basic explanation on how to make in-game money within the DragonSoul server

There are 4 ways to easily earn in-game money ๐Ÿ’ธ

  • Automatic Farms

  • Jobs

  • Player Shops

  • Manual Farming Techniques

Automatic Farms

There are many types of Automatic Farms that a player can build (most of which can be found via YouTube)


Doing jobs and earning money from the specific actions. Check out Mechanics > Jobs

Player Shops

๐Ÿ›’Player Shops can be a valid way of making in-game money, Most players use this to sell custom items they find throughout the various worlds or to sell items that don't have a buy price in /shop

Manual Farming Techniques

โ›๏ธExcavating Ores A Player can explore caves in-order to find ores of which the resulting drop can be sold in /shop

๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—ก๏ธBreeding & Killing Passive Mobs This is pretty self-explanatory Manually Farm Crops A Player can make a large-scale crop farm of which the resulting drops can be sold in /shop

Last updated